I decided to continue yesterday's mission of taking it easy again today. Tomorrow marks the beginning of a busy few days, and I want to make sure not to overdo it like I did on Monday.
Good intentions, but this morning was not as restful as I'd hoped (side effect of having kids, right?!). Things went pretty well. Until the baby didn't sleep for her morning nap. And my 3-year-old had a potty training accident (which involved pooping on the kitchen floor - seriously?!) which took some time to thoroughly clean up - all while the baby was crying. And my 5-year-old pushed his brother over throwing a Hot Wheels car at Lego Thor...
But all is quiet now, which is why this post is short. The kids are resting. The sun is out. The sky is blue. The birds are singing, and that lawn chair recliner is calling my name. I've got my (decaf) coffee, chocolate, and book. I'm ready.
What are you doing to take care of your mind today?