OCD: a
lifetime condition with seasonal intensity requiring daily maintenance.
It's the daily maintenance part that I've failed with most recently. I haven't been exercising consistently,
our schedule has been way too busy, I haven't gotten enough sleep, I've been stressed...and I made the mistake of
scratching that OCD itch. I gave in, checked, prayed one more time, etc., etc., etc., and the result was a holiday weekend with anxiety woven throughout.
My husband loves to spend time with our kids, and he took our oldest son out in the afternoon to do a fun activity. The plan was for him to come back to pick up our middle son after he woke up from his nap, and then he would be back in time to order pizza for a family dinner. The afternoon wore on, and they never returned to pick up our 2nd son. 6:00 came and went with still no sign of them. I called multiple times, no answer. I texted, no response. My mind immediately jumped to the worst possible conclusion (a habit of mine) - I was afraid that they had been in an accident and were dead, I was going to have to raise the two other kids by myself, I would have to figure out how to provide for them, and how would I live without them?!?!?!?! FINALLY I received a message that they were on their way home. Turns out that they were in a place where he had zero cell reception, so his phone did not work. The lump in my throat
from the fear I had lost both of them stayed long after I knew they were safe.